Ex-Rev Canon Angela Tilby, Christ Church Cathedral Oxford

Institutions and individuals did all they could to avoid investigating the NHS infected blood scandal. There have been so many similar scandals. To avoid this in the future, whistle blowers should be listened to and respected.

But, as we have turned away from religion in this country, people no longer have a conscience. These scandals simply wouldn’t take place in a more religious country. If all you heathens would start coming back to church and put us in charge again, there would no longer be this failing of our national institutions. We’d see to it.


10 thoughts on “Ex-Rev Canon Angela Tilby, Christ Church Cathedral Oxford

  1. “When people cease thinking about moral issues using their own conscience and intellect and instead act on some spurious authority dictating to them what they must do and think, then bad things happen; you don’t get that with religion”


  2. “Think of Hillsborough, Grenfell, Horizon, endless NHS cover ups.”

    Oops, I think Tilby forgot to mention the Catholic Church and other churches who have been involved in covering up wrong doings to put their reputation first. Maybe that was just an oversight as it wouldn’t have fitted her narrative.
    Funnily enough, I’m just sitting watching someone who was put forward as a potential Bishop of London trying to retain her reputation rather than admitting she cocked up on the conscience front.


  3. I sometimes wonder if TftD speakers ever engage their brains before opening their mouths. Paul mentions the RCC’s history of covering up its wrongdoings. Just as disgraceful is the CofE’s history of denial and obfuscation over its serial failures to safeguard children and young people in its care. These have been going on for much longer than the Horizon scandal, and longer even than the infected blood scandal, yet somehow Angela Tilby managed to avoid mentioning them today.

    The AB of Cant and others have repeatedly said how sorry they are, just like Vennells and the NHS. Yet even the Post Office now recognises that it was in the wrong, and has to mend its ways. The Church, on the other hand, continues to drag its feet over putting in place effective safeguarding measures, and properly compensating its victims. The Archbishops’ Council sacked its own independent advisers on safeguarding because they were too independent, and even now the Church is attempting to preserve the ‘sanctity of the confessional’ to avoid having to report criminal behaviour to the civil authorities. And Tilby has the brass neck to accuse those without religious beliefs as lacking a conscience!


  4. Having been brought up in the RCC and having had a real struggle to escape its toils I now refer to it as the FCC. Yes, the “F” means what you think it means.

    Richard W


  5. Do we think that she is deliberately ignoring the elephant in the room or is she really just totally oblivious?



    1. I think she’s in denial, like all too many of her fellow Anglicans.

      I too would like to see the Humanist UK email mentioned below.


  6. They said:

    And just this morning , the Canon of Christ Church Cathedral Angela Tilby said on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day that the decline of religion in the UK was to blame for tragedies like the Post Office Horizon scandal, due to, as she tweeted later, ‘conscience… eroded by unbelief.’ 

    This is open bigotry against the non-religious, but it is typical of the kind of thing we hear in closed rooms, government committees, and council meetings. It has to change. 

    I sent them a link to this website so they can share it with members.


    1. Thanks Paul. That later tweet is disgraceful. How dare she? I would be interested to see any follow-up from Humanists UK.


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