Rev Dr Giles Fraser, Vicar of St. Anne’s church Kew

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, I’ve been to Armenia. They were the first country to become Christian. So I feel a connection to them as a fellow Christian.

You haven’t got that you horrible heathens. Na, na, na, na, na.

Amazingly Reverend Doctor Lord David Walker, Bishop of Manchester

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, Sci-Fi and Fantasy and C.S. Lewis, a self confessed Christian. These made up stories are EXACTLY like Christianity, except Christianity is not made up. The whole annunciation by an angel, virgin birth, water into wine, walking on water, resurrection and floating up into the sky thing, definitely happened.

Preposterously Reverend Lord Professor Bishop Baron Lord Richard Harries, Baron Pentregarth, Gresham Professor of Divinity, Baron, Bishop, Professor, Lord…

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, Happy Day After the Ascension Day everybody! We’re all now WAITING for Pentecost. We all have to spend a lot of our time WAITING. Christians are really good at WAITING because of our Spiritual Discipline.

Ex-Rev Canon Angela Tilby, Christ Church Cathedral Oxford

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, Happy Ascension Day everybody! This is when Jesus went up into the sky having come back from the dead, to join the other two thirds of the Invisible Magic Friend.

This proves that heaven definitely exists, that we’re heading there if we worship the Invisible Magic Friend properly, all three bits of him, and that Christianity is a religion immersed in the real world.
