2 thoughts on “Rev Dr Giles Fraser, Vicar of St. Anne’s church Kew

  1. Cue (or should that be “Kew”) the old joke about the vicar who complements a gardener on what he and the good lord have done with the garden. Only for the gardener to remark on what it looked like when the good lord had it to himself.


  2. Ah, a classic!

    Giles wasn’t far from implying that it takes a Christian to make a good gardener. Getting on your hands and knees, scrabbling in the dirt, showing patience, humility and attention to detail…

    But all sorts of activities require patience, concentration, and even a touch of humility: brain surgery, astronomy (especially at 3am), making model aeroplanes out of balsa wood. Would Giles imply that only Christians can really do those things properly as well?

    Even working in business, which Giles pronounced in such a tone of scorn, requires patient concentration if it is to be successful. And gardening, like so many other activities, is greatly improved by a touch of technological efficiency. Finally, Giles seemed equally scornful of competition, but where better than a garden to see it in action? The docks, chickweed and ground elder in our garden provide an object-lesson in ruthless and successful competition!


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