Tina Beattie, Professor of being Catholic

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, I flew to Canada, where I gave a talk about how the Invisible Magic Friend made the earth. We, and by “we” I do of course mean “you”, must live more sustainably because the Invisible Magic Friend says so, except where he didn’t.

Isn’t the Pope just fantastic.


5 thoughts on “Tina Beattie, Professor of being Catholic

  1. Have you heard about the book of Genesis? No! I can’t believe that! It explains perfectly how the earth came to exist. Since it was written, nothing else has ever been discovered that negates its truth. If you take a train ride through the Rockies you will see the geological effects of 80 million years of uplift and erosion, but don’t worry your heads about all that. Just think about Genesis and its perfect message etc etc.


  2. Of course, in the supposed time of the early part of Genesis the only way to pass on a message would be to go and meet the recipient in order to talk to him (usually). Prof. Beattie probably does not realise (telecomms not being part of Catholic Studies) that it is now possible to pass on a message, even in speech and with two-way exchanges, without leaving home and without expending much energy. Gosh,, even I can do it. Admittedly, aeroplanes and railways are much more romantic than the Internet but do add a lot more to the problem about which the prof wants to warn us.


  3. Tina Beattie didn’t tell us which of the two different, and incompatible, versions of the creation myth in Genesis she regaled her Canadian audience with. Probably she cherry-picked from both, carefully avoiding the bit about humankind having domination over every living thing on earth.

    Be that as it may, the RCC – and the rest of the churches, come to that – are far too compromised to be in a position to lecture the rest of us about looking after the environment. Or indeed about anything else.

    PS: some scholars think that the creation stories are not simply ancient folk-myths, but were made up as late as 200-300BCE, and are heavily influenced by Greek philosophy, especially that of Plato. Amusing if true.


  4. I wonder if Tina thinks the pope is right (he must be of course, being infallible) about contraception and possible over-population being a problem with sustainability of life on earth.

    Richard W.


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