Brian Draper, in Southampton, Associate lecturer at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, I’ve been to the Taylor Swift concert at Wembley. Isn’t she brilliant!

She’s exactly like Jesus, apart from being fantastically wealthy, a famous singer and not a man. Other than that they’re identical.

4 thoughts on “Brian Draper, in Southampton, Associate lecturer at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity

  1. I think that it is interesting how the shift in the economics of the music industry has led to the artists making a larger proportion of their income from live shows in relation to recorded music. Music streaming has pros and cons for the artists, they only get a tiny percentage in royalties but they have the potential to reach a vast global audience. Less well know acts can make their music available in a way that wasn’t possible before. On the live music side, tickets have tended to become much more expensive but the artists try hard to give value for money by putting on a spectacular show. My daughter saw Taylor Swift in Edinburgh and was impressed, the last big live show that I saw was Queen and Lambert which was also amazing.

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to shoe horn my religion, or in my case lack of one, into that and I’ve got a TftD.



  2. We’ve never heard Brian so excited and besotted. I bet he wasn’t this excited even on the day he first thought that Jesus was talking to him. I wonder how much he paid for his family tickets. And the overnight hotel (special prices for Taylor Swift!) And the merch.

    Because the truth is that Swift is just as much a cold-eyed profit maximiser as the corporate suits who ripped her off earlier in her career. Good luck to her: she’s now got total control of her business and is making the most of it. Just don’t let’s pretend that she’s a combination of Florence Nightingale and Mother Teresa.


  3. Actually those corporate suits tried to rip her off but she outwitted them by re-recording her earlier albums as close to the original sound as possible. The later recordings were actually better and in any case her fans knew what had happened and wouldn’t touch the originals with a bargepole thus rendering them worthless.

    Mother Theresa was a vile sadist and hypocrite.



    1. Couldn’t agree more, especially about Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu! But also about Swift’s commercial acumen, and the way she’s turned the tables on her earlier exploiters. It still doesn’t turn her into a modern-day saint, though, especially given how every aspect of her world tour is aimed at extracting as much money as possible from her adoring fans.


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