Daniel Greenberg, Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

We’re about to welcome a new House of Commons. The government and opposition benches are famously two sword lengths apart to stop them from physically attacking one another.

Which brings me to Jewish food laws. We distinguish between moral and immoral animals and only eat the moral ones. Although there are a few moral ones that we don’t eat.

This is our message to new MPs. Only eat the moral animals opposite (mostly).


4 thoughts on “Daniel Greenberg, Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

    1. It’s nice to know that, in an uncertain world, some things can always be relied upon.

      (Unlike easyjet – see the previous thread.

      Sorry everyone. Expect “airlines are Satan” references for some time to come. Until I get it out of my system.)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Just to say that the first thing that springs to mind when Leviticus is mentioned is not that it’s a resource for examples of ‘kindness’ – quite the opposite…

    Other than that, the broad theme of political opponents robustly engaging in debates needing to be civil for the good of democracy and healthy discourse was quite sound!

    – Matt2112

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