19 thoughts on “Taking a short break

  1. All TftD presenters these days seem to start off with a whinge about politicians shouting at each other. Julie Siddiqi is no exception. As if people of faith don’t shout at those they disagree with.

    She told us that everyone should abide by the Nolan Principles: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. The rest of her Thought was all about the Prophet Mohammad and what a wonderful leader he was. (Other views of his leadership, and its relationship to the Nolan Principles, are available).


  2. I’d like to hear Julie’s and, indeed, Mona’s thoughts on big Al’s care for the crowds at the Haj.



  3. It’s my thirtieth wedding anniversary today and Mrs. S and I have been to Beamish Museum, just thought that I would mention it.



  4. Today, Nick Baines told us that he’s backing England against Slovenia, and all those pundits who have said that England have been a load of crap so far aren’t nearly respectful enough, considering some of their own performances in the past.

    This is just like the Israelites forgetting what the Invisible Magic Friend told them what to do during and after their totally fictional 40-year trip from Egypt to the Promised Land, which was unfortunately otherwise occupied at the time.

    We should never forget the lessons of the past. Unlike England, who at the moment seem to have forgotten how to play football at all.


  5. Just learned that our flight home has been cancelled. Currently stuck at Málaga airport with no hotel, no flight home, only flights are to Gatwick, our car is in Southend, and my partner in a wheelchair with no one to help us.


    1. Disgraceful. The airline should at least provide food and drink, plus accommodation if you have to stay an extra night. You should also be entitled to compensation, including the cost of getting back to your departure airport. Good luck.


    2. At such times, I think, “What would Phileas Fogg do?” Then I remember that he was a fictional multi-millionaire (allowing for inflation) with no-one else to consider. Passepartout was a servant, and a foreigner therefore didn’t count and Aouda was a woman who would have to go along with whatever he said. Which is another reason why relying on ancient fictional characters for guidance is rarely of any use today.
      You have my sympathy: I hope you find helpful airport staff.


  6. Lucy Winkett:

    ”Today I’m going to Christian-splain what ‘Democracy’ is, using vast amounts of pious post hoc reasoning, and zero self-awareness whatsoever.

    You’re welcome”

    • Matt2112


  7. Lucy Winkett solemnly instructs us to have a high tolerance for failure on the part of the politicians we are privileged to be able to vote for. If we believe in democracy, we should accept that we’re not going to get everything we want. In doing this we should take lessons from the spiritual practices of Christianity.

    Let’s see now. These would include the doctrine that we are all miserable sinners, responsible individually and collectively for everything that goes wrong in the world, and that any good we happen to do is entirely down to the Invisible Magic Friend. That we are not just going to get things wrong, but must spend our time confessing our sins and repenting (yes, Lucy got repentance into her Ladybird Guide to Democracy as well).

    Lucy should consider the record of her church when it comes to interference in the public arena. Somehow I don’t think it’s in a very strong position to lecture us on the meaning of democracy and what we should do with our votes.


    1. Glad you’re safely back.

      I’m sure the TFTD presenters*** will tell you that if you pray really hard and are truly spiritual then the wonderful IMF [of whatever flavour] will get you your money back and compensation.

      Alternatively, those nasty secular insurance companies and travel ombudsmen will be more helpful and actually do something.

      Good luck – I hope you get somewhere – even though the lost shine / stress / loss of relaxation is hard to compensate for.

      All the very best


      *** with a bit of Shakespeare or Aristotle thrown in by AAA


    2. You should get all that back, plus compensation for the unacceptable inconvenience. Don’t let the buggers get away with it!


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