Preposterously Reverend Lord Professor Bishop Baron Lord Richard Harries, Baron Pentregarth, Gresham Professor of Divinity, Baron, Bishop, Professor, Lord…

And in the Big News today from a Faith Perspective, sport. Isn’t it great. Which raises the question, is there sport in heaven? A childish question. When the temporarily visible third of the Invisible Magic Friend was born of a virgin, did magic tricks, rose from the dead, and went back up to heaven on a cloud, he wasn’t concerned about such childish questions as whether there was sport in heaven.

7 thoughts on “Preposterously Reverend Lord Professor Bishop Baron Lord Richard Harries, Baron Pentregarth, Gresham Professor of Divinity, Baron, Bishop, Professor, Lord…

  1. Presumably, “Is there a heaven?” would be considered one of the most profoundly fundamental of questions as far as Mr Harries is concerned, even though really it is every bit as ‘childish’.

    • Matt2112


  2. How do endurance sports fit in? Triathlons, marathons and ultra running, cycle stage racing? These sports involve suffering, the suffering and the ability to ignore pain is a big part of the whole point. Suffering in Heaven, that can’t be right, maybe Hell is the sports capital of the afterlife.



  3. That has to be one of the silliest TftDs for a long time. Nobody knows what ‘eternal life’ is supposed to involve, so every Christian writer feels free to make up their own stories about it. Even so, imagining that it’s going to require creativity, teamwork and harmony of body and mind, all of which are facets of actual human life on earth, is wishful thinking of the first order.


  4. What lies beyond death is way beyond anything we can conceive or imagine.
    Or not. I can conceive and imagine all sorts of weird and wonderful heavens, any of which are just as real as any of the ones that religious people have made up. In other words, not real at all.
    If you pretend that there is some sort of afterlife, which is a pretty childish thing to hope for or believe in, then what else can you make up? A whole religion? Easy.


  5. For such an absurd idea belief in an afterlife is surprisingly widespread. Most religions seem to have some version of it and even non religious people seem to have some vague belief in Heaven. It also seems to be a common Christian trope that all atheists convert to Christianity when facing imminent death, so entrenched are their beliefs.



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