Jasvir Singh, Chair of the City Sikhs Network, Co-chair of Faiths Forum 4 London

Happy Pride Month everybody!

There are still many who hate people because of their sexuality, colour or religion. Some even use their religion as their excuse for their hatred.

The solution to this is more religion.


4 thoughts on “Jasvir Singh, Chair of the City Sikhs Network, Co-chair of Faiths Forum 4 London

  1. To mis-quote Homer Simpson: “Here’s to [alcohol] religion; the solution to, and source of, most of our problems.”



  2. I don’t mean to be pedantic, Graham, but Homer said ……. All of life’s problems.
    BTW I think religion is much more dangerous and insidious than alcohol. Said he, pouring himself a pre-prandial tincture.



  3. Most religions are frightened of sexuality. They particularly disapprove of gay sex, because it’s ‘unnatural’ (although same-sex sexual activity is pretty widespread in nature). But even straight sex is often regarded as, at best, a necessary evil. In Christianity this is partly down to Paul, who seems to have had an almost pathological aversion to sex; but lust is one of Christianity’s deadly sins, just as it is for Sikhs. One of the great benefits of the decline in religious belief is the normalisation of sexuality, in all its manifestations. And lust. Nothing wrong with a bit of lust, at the right time and place.

    I wonder what the position of the Faiths Forum 4 London is on sexuality. The missionary position, probably.


  4. Individual TFTD presenters squirming when comparing what they believe personally and what their religion says generally is one of my favourite things to listen to. Rules and regulations written by men in supposed holy books centuries ago are like chains holding them back for religious non-conformists such as Singh.

    You don’t have to walk around with a hidden knife to be part of a community. Although I occasionally have a small pen-knife in my rucksack when returning from cutting asparagus carrying one isn’t a rule we force on the members of our allotment community. Cutting asparagus would hopefully be a good enough reason get me past the local police if they ever stop me and check my bag. Carrying one wherever I go? Maybe not. Religious privileges eh?

    Being gay is just another thing that naturally occurs in some humans due to the millions of potential genetic differences that make us all individuals. A God that created everything surely knows this and doesn’t give a hoot about who you love. A man-made religion born of socially conservative ideals does give a hoot and that should be a clue to believers like Singh that their religion isn’t what they believe it is.


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