Chine McDonald, professional Christian

The new president of Mexico is a woman.

There’s a woman in the Big Book of Magic Stuff. Yes, women are THAT important. The temporarily visible third of the Invisible Magic Friend chose to be born of a woman rather than a man.

In a country where the rape and murder of women is almost endemic, they have the Virgin of Guadalupe to protect them. And doesn’t she do a great job. She also extends her protection to the men who run her Basilica in Mexico City, which seems to be prospering nicely.

6 thoughts on “Chine McDonald, professional Christian

  1. Did you know that my God really likes women? As half the human population and therefore half those who pray to him he really listens to what they ask for and always, yes always, provides the help they are praying for. When women are waiting at home for their violent partners to return, praying that he will not be aggressive today, God is really listening and willing to help. When women are in shelters with their children after deciding to leave their violent partners, praying they they will have a better life from now on, it’s their prayers to God that got them there safely. When women are concerned that men impose unnecessary religious rules on women it is God who helps them break free from the restrictions when they pray to him.

    Oh yes, God is definitely on the side of women everywhere whenever they pray for help. 


  2. Matthew 21-22

    And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

    Nice little get out clause there. I do like the cartoon of the praying girl saying “So where’s my f*ck*ng pony then?” She obviously didn’t have faith.



  3. Once upon a time, you could talk to the Invisible Magic Friend direct, and it would answer you. The Israelites were doing this all the time. In exchange, the IMF gave them detailed instructions on which set of enemies to smite next, and what to do with their wives, children, concubines and livestock.

    A few hundred years later, according to the finest Hebrew cosmologists, the IMF had withdrawn into the seventh heaven, and was unavailable for consultation. It had, however, sent a senior angel, who would be magically killed by the evil spirits who ruled the Earth and then resuscitated by the IMF, and who was appointed to act as an intermediary in future.

    Later still, it became clear that even this angel was too busy to deal with all the requests and complaints that people were making, and so the spirit of a woman who claimed to be his mother was pressed into service. The intermediary of an intermediary.

    And all this stuff was solemnly written down by men. Not women, men. All of it.

    As for Claudia Sheinbaum, good luck to her. But let’s see what she actually does with the power she’s now got. Even women can make a mess of things, you know.


  4. I don’t think the woman in question had much of a choice in bearing the half-human bit of God. She was ‘chosen’. It is always a virgin in these myths. Can’t have any ‘nasty stuff’ ever been up ‘there’. Was this grooming? She could have been as young as fourteen.


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