3 thoughts on “Rev Dr Dr Prof David Wilkinson, Ex-Principal of St John’s College Durham

  1. Do we really need a special Celebration Day? Those of us who care about family and friends who are no more will already be remembering them in our own ways and on suitable dates. In addition, we have Remembrance Day, Holocaust Day and maybe others.

    It’s difficult to find out exactly who kickstarted this new event. The fact that it takes place on what used to be Whit Monday makes one wonder if it has a faith-based origin. And not everyone is as keen as David Wilkinson on the innovation. Mona Siddiqui, for instance, is quoted on the BBC website as saying “I think we already have too many days to celebrate too many things. I think what’s more important is that we talk about death in a meaningful way”. I rather agree with her.


  2. Like all scientists who are also religious Wilkinson likes to bang on about how in the past great thinkers who were theologians were also interested in science, as if that still gives him an excuse in the modern world.

    Bede had no choice but to be a theologian in the time that he lived in order to do the work he did. He was once accused of heresy on some minor theological point so he would never have challenged any of the church’s main ideas at the time so it’s great to know that he also dedicated some of his intellect in the scientific area rather than just faffing around pretending to understand the ridiculous idea that there is a supernatural creator lii I be Wilkinson does.


  3. I’ve been to the Bede museum, my daughter lives in the North East and we were visiting. He was a polymath who studied every area of knowledge available to him at the time. It is however pretty absurd to compare a scholar of his time with those of modern times who have considerably more information at their disposal.


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