Amazingly Reverend Doctor Lord David Walker, Bishop of Manchester

Christians invented Trade Unions and so, via them, the Labour Party. It was because Jesus taught working people, like me, as well as ordinary people, like you, to organise, that the whole thing got started. Jesus, the Temporarily Visible Third of the Invisible Magic Friend, invented the Apostolic Succession, which gave me the power to come on the radio and tell you all this.

Over the years, we Christians have patiently explained to ignorant rabble, such as yourselves, about all the good and wonderful things that have come your way because of we Christians. Freedom of Religious Belief was one of them, although not necessarily freedom of any old belief, just religious ones. We also invented feeding the poor, housing the homeless, education, environmentalism, challenging the powerful and the wealthy (excluding us), votes for women, votes for everyone, the abolition of slavery, rights for gays, food, sunshine and happiness.

Your welcome.