Dr Chetna Kang, Psychiatrist and Hindu Priest in the Bhakti Yoga/Vaisnava tradition

There are more unregistered schools than ever before. I can’t think who might running all these dodgy schools or why.

The solution to this is more religion. Specifically MY religion. Proper schools, grounded in Hindu theology and tradition, supervised by experts in theology, ensure a correct spiritual education. Not some dodgy, fly-by-night, unregistered school, filling children’s heads with nonsense.


4 thoughts on “Dr Chetna Kang, Psychiatrist and Hindu Priest in the Bhakti Yoga/Vaisnava tradition

  1. Superbly nailed Peter.

    My irony meter shattered so badly that I’ll be pulling glass shards out of face for weeks.



  2. Our host’s comment says it all, really. And some people say that it’s disrespectful to mock religion. Anyone who heard today’s effort would find it difficult not to mock. For instance, Chetna Kang insists that religious education should be “thoughtful, transparent and truthful” (several questions are being begged in those three words alone), and that the greater the weight of tradition behind the teaching, the better. Pull the other one.

    Reason and evidence don’t seem to feature in Dr Kang’s world-view at all. Not for the first time, I’m glad I’m not one of her psychiatric patients.


  3. This is wierd but when I see this heading that contains the words Bhakti and Chetna, my brain jumps to Bajaj Chetak which is an Indian Scooter.



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